
Partner visa - 05 years route

Facts: JK is a Pakistani national living in the UK with his wife, a British citizen. He was granted entry clearance as a spouse (5 year route) and wanted to apply for further leave to remain on that basis. He was working for NHS and was earned in excess of £18600. He already passed the relevant English language test A2 level and engaged us for submission of his FLR M application using UK visa premium service.

Advice: Advised him on the list of documents and the procedure. Booked UK visa premium service appointment, completed the form, suggested some amendments in the letter that his employer provided. Prepared a covering letter addressed to the home office explaining how he fulfills all the requirements and represented him at Public inquiry office.

Outcome: The Home office granted leave to remain to JK on 05 years route.

Further advice: This is a 5 year route visa and he would only be able to apply for ILR upon completion of 5 years in the UK starting from the date of his first entry to the UK on spouse visa.